Monday, July 23, 2012

Weigh In Day

I ended the day yesterday feeling like the worst mom ever!  Davison was playing in a baseball tourney in Martinsville and, as I mentioned previously, he's really been struggling with baseball.  I went to church yesterday morning and headed down for the second game of the day, which ended up started shortly after 1230.  At one point in the day, Davison and I had a heart to heart about his attitude, which had gotten pretty bad.  At the end of the third game, I brought Austin home so he could go play soccer and I settled in on the couch.  A bit later, my mom called to tell me Davison had hit a home run!!  His first one and in one of the worst batting slumps I have ever witnessed!!  Needless to say, it made me really teary and I felt guilty for not being there.  (Side note--Dave got a little trophy of a glove to sit his homerun ball in--he hasn't gone anywhere without it since he brought it home....not even the bathroom! Too cute!:)

All in all, yesterday was a good day, but have to admit that the heat zapped me pretty good, which was one of the things that led me to come home early from the baseball tourney.  Anyway, I went to church, then the tourney, mixed in a couple of short walks, and visited with a neighbor who had back surgery last week.  I also discovered a more tolerable protein shake.  It's a vanilla whey powder that I mixed with 8 ounces of milk.  Not bad and significantly smaller in size than some of the other protein shakes/drinks.  On Saturday, I was reading through my diet guidelines again and discovered I can have cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt. YAY!!  Cheese sticks have never tasted so amazing!:)  So, as a result, between the new protein drinks, cheese sticks, cottage cheese, and sugar free popsicles, I had a much easier time getting in all of my required foods and dliquids yesterday.  Starting to get the hang of this thing.....

As I confessed previously, I have found myself becoming obsessed with the scale.  I'm so frustrated by it, but haven't yet found a way to kick it.  I honestly think it's that whole "fear of failure" thing that's driving me.  I am really striving to only weigh on Monday mornings, but the last couple of days I have been on the scale multiple times.  I think weighing once a week is a reasonable goal and it is now one more thing that I am asking God to help me....I really have some areas where I struggle with self-control....make me a better me, Lord....

Okay, so it's Monday and I have weighed.  I am officially down sixteen pounds from my pre-surgery weight. WOOHOO!!  I am so thankful and encouraged.  Makes eating an ounce of cottage cheese and an ounce of babyfood pears for breakfast a little more worth it:)

Thanks everybody for your support and encouragement!!


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