Thursday, July 19, 2012

We Like to Move it, Move it!!

Just as I had hoped, I am writing this blog entry from the comfort of my couch...minus the IV and TED hose--although I should be wearing the TED hose per my discharge instructions...they're in the dryer:) The drive home was uneventful and I was happy to see the boys!! I was also happy to enjoy two ounces of sugar free vanilla pudding when we arrived back at the house.  It was delicious!:) I am now waiting on Dennis and Davison to get home from Meijer with all of my meds and some bananas.  I am looking forward to making my first protein shake--milk, dry milk, banana, and sugar free strawberry syrup.  I am supposed to have 75 to 90 grams of protein a day, so I'll be making a lot of protein shakes in the days and weeks to come. I'll keep you posted on how my concoctions turn out.

At the hospital, I was supposed to get up and walk every two hours.   One trip around the unit was 1/16th of a mile.  I have to admit that I didn't exactly get up to walk every two hours, BUT, I did finish off five miles of walking before heading home today.  I'm supposed to continue to walk eight to ten times a day at home....I had Dennis drop me off behind the house when we got in the neighborhood for my first walk.  It felt good--a bit more stuffy/hot than the lovely walking track at St. Vincent Carmel, but it's always good to be home!



  1. Ohhh so this shake is just milk & dry milk? Not actual protein powder?

  2. I can actually drink whatever kind of protein shake I want to get the protein in. Do you have any suggestions?
